April is the ...
Month of the Military Child
Not only does the soldier serve, but so does their family. To honor the sacrifice military children make :
Month of the Military Child
Not only does the soldier serve, but so does their family. To honor the sacrifice military children make :
★ Parent deployment for months
at a time
★ Frequent moves throughout
their life
★ And so much more
Holomua will participate in the Purple Up! Day for military children on Friday, April 15th.
The color purple was chosen as it a combination of the different military branch colors (Army green, Marine red, Coast Guard/Navy/Air Force blue). Therefore, on Friday April 15th we ask that you choose the appropriate option below:
Military Children Non-Military Children
Please wear the color of the branch your parent(s) Please wear the color purple to show
represents: support for your friends / neighbors who
are military children.
Army/Army National Guard = Green
Marine = Red
Coast Guard = Blue ************************************
Navy = Blue If you have any questions, please call
Air Force/Air National Guard = Blue Kanoe Kaneaiakala, Counselor/Student
Council Advisor at (808) 685-9100 ext. 311
** Please note that in place of a color, a shirt ************************************
signifying the parent(s) military unit or shirt
identifying the military branch would be
Please remember that all clothing should still follow school dress code guidelines.