Monday, February 10, 2020

Blue & Yellow - Tech Fun Run Fundraiser (January 29th - February 14th)

Our Blue & Yellow Tech Fun Run Fundraiser is half way done.  Packets were sent home with your children on Wednesday, January 29th.  Please go out and sell...all monies and order forms are due back to the school on Friday, February 14th.
Thank you for all of your support!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Parent Newsletter- 2/20

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I would like to acknowledge and thank Ms. Colleen Hokutan and Mr. Shanon Peltier for their years of service to the Hawaii Department of Education and Holomua Elementary School. Both Ms. Hokutan and Mr. Peltier retired in December. I would to welcome new cafeteria manager, Mr. Lyle Hasegawa to the Holomua Elementary School staff.
Beginning February 3, 2020, students in grades kindergarten and first will be participating in the "offer" meal service plan. Kindergarten and first grade parents will be receiving a memo explaining the plan.


                                                                                      Gary Yasui, Principal