Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Holomua's Junior Police Officers

On Thursday, October 13th our Junior Police Officers had visitors. These visitors were from the Honolulu Police Department. Officer Chun is the police officer assigned to Holomua's Junior Police Officers.  He brought along some fellow officers to talk about being a good citizen, a community contributor and how police officers are there for not only emergencies but for community. Here are some of the questions asked by some of Holomua's JPOs ............
Is your job hard?
Were you a JPO in school?  
How many people have you arrested? 
Have you ever used your baton & taser?

The JPOs were very fortunate to have these officers train and mentor them. 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Any Holomua Families Affected By Military Deployment?

Is your parent on or will be on military deployment?

Our school would like to extend our gratitude and best wishes to you and your family while your loved one is on military deployment. We would like to assist your family during this time and one way is to provide a safe group environment for your child to express any concerns or feelings they may experience.

Our Primary School Adjustment Program (PSAP), will be starting their Deployment Group soon and here are a few things that they address during their 10 week group sessions:

 Why we are meeting and what is deployment
 Meeting and networking with other students whose parent is or will be deployed
 Activities such as family shield, wall of honor and picture frame decorating
 Deployment celebration at the end of our 10 weeks

Be on the lookout for our flyer that will be going out shortly. If you are interested in having your child participate in our Deployment Group, return form to your child’s teacher.

Thursday, July 28, 2016


Pedestrians being struck by a vehicle is the 5th leading cause of injury 
for ages 5-19.  Teens are twice as likely to be hit by a car than any other age group.  So join the campaign!

Show You Care, Be Aware......Look Around, Put It Down!

*  Traffic safety is a two way street.  Before you go on your way, look both ways.  Pedestrians, take charge of your own lives!

*  Did you know more than 80% of drivers admit to driving recklessly ... changing clothes, steering the wheel with their foot, painting their nails and shaving?  Show You Care, Be Aware stresses the importance of being a safe pedestrian by making eye contact with the driver before crossing the street.

*  Nearly one pedestrian injury happens every 8 minutes.  Show You Care, Be Aware strives to reduce this statistic.  Join us and help save lives on the road by paying attention when you cross the street.

*  Texting while walking slows your pace and decreases your ability to walk in a straight line significantly.  Distracted pedestrians are more likely to be injured.  Make sure the driver can see you when you cross.  Petextrians, Look Around, Put It Down!

*  Every two hours a pedestrian dies while walking and texting....Stay Alive!  Show You Care, Be Aware!  Look Around, Put It Down!  "Erase Petextrians!"

*  Show You Care, Be Aware!!!  Think about what might happen next if you look at that text. Every year more that 4,700 people are killed crossing the street while texting!  So put that cellphone down and look around!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

"Stop & Shop" A Huge Success!

Thank You to all our students, parents, and staff members who supported our Holomua School Cart.  Cart sales continue to be strong and it is great when students share how they earned the monies to purchase things.  They have learned to save their monies and are definitely sharper at calculating their purchases.  Proceeds from cart sales will help our hardworking teachers with classroom needs. Monies will also go to fund two $1000 scholarships for deserving Holomua students graduating from Campbell High School.  This year's winners are Charmaine Ecraela and Azeysha Yee Hoy.  Both recipients are honor graduates and leaders at Campbell. Charmaine will be attending University of Hawaii at Manoa and is interested in becoming a pediatric nurse.  Azeysha is going to San Diego State University to study medicine in hopes of becoming a doctor.

 Congratulations to Charmaine and Azeysha!!! 

You Make Us Proud!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Third Quarter Awards

               Perfect Attendance  -  337  
                   Honor Roll  -  237    
                Principal's List  -  55  

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

PSAP Coffee Hour

Homework Boxes were raffled out to our parents.

On April 19th, Holomua's PSAP Department
had a very successful coffee hour for parents
with children  in our program.  Our guest speaker was Dr. Dale Fryxell, a child psychologist who is also Holomua's PSAP Consultant.  He gave our parents many ideas and suggestions to help with their daily challenges.

Parents were encouraged to write a positive message to their children.
These messages were then shared with the students.
It was truly a "Kodak Moment" to see the faces of these students
light up as they listened to messages written by their parents.

Holomua's JPOs Earn Top Honors at the Annual JPO Field Day

JPOs' performed their drills perfectly and earned 100 points!
Congratulations to our JPOs'!!!
You make us proud!!!
Chryshanne Thomas and John Sagapolutele
participated in the JPO Knockout Rounds event.
JPOs from different schools participated in a
challenge of commands.
Congratulations to ChryshanneThomas!!!  She was
 nominated by her JPO Advisors for  Holomua's
  JPO of the Year.  She was recognized at the annual
JPO Field at the Patsy Mink Regional Park.
Thank You to all the parents that came out to support the JPOs!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

April is the ...
Month of the Military Child
Not only does the soldier serve, but so does their family. To honor the sacrifice military children make :
  • ★  Parent deployment for months at a time
  • ★  Frequent moves throughout their life
  • ★  And so much more
    Holomua will participate in the Purple Up! Day for military children on
    Friday, April 15th.                                                                                                          
    The color purple was chosen as it a combination of the different military branch colors (Army green, Marine red, Coast Guard/Navy/Air Force blue). Therefore, on Friday April 15th we ask that you choose the appropriate option below:

        Military Children                                  Non-Military Children

Please wear the color of the branch your parent(s)              Please wear the color purple to show       
represents:                                                                            support for your friends / neighbors who
                                                                                             are military children.         
           Army/Army National Guard = Green                   
           Marine = Red                                            
           Coast Guard = Blue                                               ************************************
           Navy = Blue                                                               If you have any questions, please call
           Air Force/Air National Guard = Blue                        Kanoe Kaneaiakala, Counselor/Student
                                                                                              Council Advisor at (808) 685-9100 ext.                                                                                                   311
** Please note that in place of a color, a shirt                  ************************************
     signifying the parent(s) military unit or shirt 
     identifying the military branch would be 

     Please remember that all clothing should still follow school                                          dress code guidelines.    



Thursday, March 24, 2016

Smarter Balanced Assessment

The 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders will be taking the Smarter Balanced Assessment.  The assessment is designed to measure deeper knowledge of skills deemed particularly important to students’ futures, including engaging items that ask students to demonstrate an array of research, writing, critical thinking and real-world problems solving skills. 

The tracks will be taking the assessments on the following days:

   April 18 - 21     May 2 and 3
   April 25 - 28   May 10 and 11
   May 16 - 19    June 6 and 7
   May 23 - 26    June 8 and 9

The following tips provide suggestions on how to approach test taking with your child:

  • Make sure that your child does all his/her homework and reading assignments, which will help to prepare your child for the test.
  • Encourage your child to space out their studying and homework assignments so that they won’t be forced to cram on the night before the test.
  • If you are anxious about your child’s test it’s okay, but try to keep cool around your child, you don’t want them to get anxious too.
  • Encourage your child to do well, but don’t pressure him/her.  It is important for your child to stay relaxed on the test day.
  • Keep a positive attitude about tests.
  • Provide a quiet, well-lighted area with little distractions to help your child study efficiently.
  • Mark down test days on your calendar so you and your child are both aware of testing dates.
  • Make sure that your child gets enough sleep the night before the test.
  • Ensure that your child eats a healthy breakfast.  Avoid heavy foods that may make him/her sleepy and avoid high sugar foods that may make him/her hyper.
  • Make sure that your child gets up early enough so that he/she will be on time to school.
  • Let your child relax for a few hours before bedtime, it can be stressful for a child to study all night.
  • Talking about the test with your child can relieve stress about test taking.
  • Praise/reward your child when they do well on a test or for their hard work preparing for a test.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Spirit Week

We just celebrated Spirit Week for Blue and Yellow Tracks at the end of January. The week culminated with a talent show featuring blue and yellow track students from various grades and our complex basketball tournament. Thank you to all the students who showed their spirit by participating in our dress up days. We congratulate Grade 1 and Grade 3 for best grade level participation. Also, special recognition goes out to our classes with 100% participation: 

                    Mrs. Tanimura's - preschool
                    Mrs. Ching's - 1st grade
                    Mrs. Obuhanych's - 1st grade
                    Mrs. Ito's - 2nd grade
                    Mrs. Kurosu's - 3rd grade
                    Ms. Nagahiro's - 3rd grade
                    Mrs. Kagawa's - 6th grade

We look forward to another week full of spirit for Red and Green Tracks. 

Holomua Elementary SPIRIT WEEK
February 29 – March 4th (Green/Red Tracks)

   Monday, February 29        Black Out Day
                        (Come dressed in black)

   Tuesday, March 1                                  Dress Up Day
                  (Wear your “picture perfect” stylish clothes)

   Wednesday, March 2                   Sports Day
     (Wear your favorite team shirt, your favorite team uniform)
              No cleats or bathing suits allowed.

   Thursday, March 3           Pajamas Day
 (Wear your best pajamas to sleep so you have a head start on getting dressed)

   Friday, March 4              Aloha Friday
   (Represent Hawaii and the aloha spirit – aloha wear, flowers, leis, etc.)

 **All clothing should be appropriate for the classroom.

School Procedures and Policies

Holomua Elementary always strives to ensure the safety of the members of our entire school community by following all school procedures and policies.   Here are a few reminders:

            1.  Students should secure their bicycles to the bicycle rack to prevent thefts.

            2.  Drop any items you want delivered to your child's classroom to the school office.

            3.  All visitors should park in the visitor parking stalls.

Thank You for your understanding and support!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

2nd Quarter Awards

Perfect Attendance  =  393

Honor  =  223

Principal List  =  34

Friday, January 29, 2016

School Quality Survey (SQS)

 The SQS Parent Survey packet will go home with your child on Feb 2, 2016.  Parents can fill out the survey in one of two ways:  1) Fill out the enclosed paper format and mail completed forms in the enclosed pre-paid envelope from the packet or 2) Complete the online format using https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2016ElemParents.  Surveys must be completed by March 15, 2016.  If you have any questions about the survey, please contact us via e-mail at  SQS@notes.k12.hi.us, or by calling 808-733-4008 from 7:30am - 4:30pm Monday through Friday.  Thank you for your support and for helping to improve our public schools.


       TECH FUN RUN  

Are you ready for our annual Technology Fun Run?

The Tech Fun Run is an event held each year to raise money for the purchase and maintenance of technology equipment and supplies that are required for our programs.  This year we will be selling “School Kine Cookies” to earn money for technology!  More info about the fundraiser will be coming soon.

On the morning of their TFR, students will run around on the firelanes with their classes during their designated times. Come and support your child by cheering them on at their designated times.

Thank you for your support!

WhenYellow & Blue Tracks - Friday, February 5, 2016
           Alternate date:  Monday February 8, 2016
          Red & Green Tracks - Friday, March 11, 2016
            Alternate date:  Monday March 14, 2016

The run times will be as follows:
8:00 – 8:05    Preschool
8:15 – 8:20    Grade 2
8:40 – 8:50    
Grade 5
8:05 – 8:10    Kindergarten
8:20 – 8:30    Grade 3
8:50 – 9:00    
Grade 6
8:10 – 8:15     
Grade 1
8:30 – 8:40    Grade 4
Faculty & Parents

Thursday, January 21, 2016


2015 - 2016 Yearbook Pre-Sale
Starts Wednesday, January 6, 2016
$20.00 Per Book
Make Checks Payable to:
Holomua Elementary School

All Sales after February 12, 2016
$25.00 Per Book
Go Online At:  YBPay.lifetouch.com
ID Code:  4217816

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

PSAP Deployment Group Work

Water Pollution Prevention at Holomua Elementary - Clean Water is Everybody’s Business

Holomua Elementary School is located on Keaunui Drive between Laupai Street and Iroquois Pt. Road in Ewa Beach.

When it rains, water flows over the campus and streets carrying the pollutants it picks up into storm drains. Storm drains are not connected to the wastewater treatment plant. Therefore, the pollutant water flows directly into our streams and ocean.

Holomua Elementary participates in the federal government’s effort to keep our streams and oceans clean and eliminate pollution discharge. We have Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) permit and conduct activities and projects throughout the year to involve and educate people about pollution prevention.

When it rains, pollution such as litter, pesticides and household chemicals eventually end up in the ocean. This effects all of us because water is essential for life here in Hawai'i and we spend a lot of time playing in the ocean or eating seafood from the ocean. As a community, we can work together to make sure that our water resources are protected. We have provided some information about water pollution and things we can do to prevent water pollution.

10 Ways to Prevent Stormwater Runoff Pollution
  1. Use fertilizers sparingly and sweep up driveways, sidewalks and gutters
  2. Never dump anything down storm drains or in streams
  3. Vegetate bare spots in your yard
  4. Compost your yard waste
  5. Use least toxic pesticides, follow labels and learn how to prevent pest problems
  6. Direct downspouts away from paved surfaces; consider a rain garden to capture runoff
  7. Take your car to the car wash instead of washing it in the driveway
  8. Check your car for leaks and recycle your motor oil
  9. Pick up after your pet
  10. Have your septic tank pumped and system inspected regularly
Remember: Only rain down the drain!!!

Monday, January 4, 2016



Use water wisely. By conserving water, the amount of wastewater needing treatment and disposal will be reduced. Overwatering and runoff can carry pollutants into the storm drain system.
Use and dispose hazardous substances properly. Always read the product label and choose the least toxic alternative. Motor oil, paints, solvents and other chemicals should not be poured on the ground or down the storm drains, because they can pollute our streams and ocean. Motor oil is recycled at oil change locations; other chemical products should be first used up by buying only the amount needed; typically unused excess could be evaporated or soaked into clay litter, wrapped in plastic and disposed with trash. Excess pesticides require special handling and must be disposed as hazardous waste.
Use fertilizer and pesticides sparingly. Choose the least toxic alternative such as compost for fertilizer, repellant/resistant plants and instead of bug sprays, use baited traps. Follow label instructions and use only the amount needed. Apply outdoors only during dry weather, rain water can easily carry substances to nearby storm drains and stream.
Landscape the land to prevent erosion. Cover bare ground with grass, shrubs or trees to hold soil in place. Establish native plantings and provide vegetation buffer zones along storm drains and stream.
Improve housekeeping. Fix water leaks throughout campus by replacing faucet washers and toilet flappers as needed.  A slow drip or leak can easily waste more than 100 gallons of water a week.  Put all litter into trash cans so it does not get washed into the storm drains or streams.
Implement annual campus cleanup event. Coordinate cleanup  event  for  the whole campus to collect litter and address any other issues that would impact storm water quality, such as storage of materials and soil erosion areas. Maintain record of litter collected and other changes that impact storm water quality and take before and after photos of campus.

Study storm water management. Teachers can address hazards associated with illicit discharges to our storm drains and streams. Develop steps that can be taken to reduce storm water pollution.
Learn about good housekeeping. Good housekeeping practices are simply maintaining a safe, orderly and clean learning environment. Conduct an individual or class project to reinforce pollution prevention activities consistent with protecting storm water.
Learn where your wastewater goes. Investigate the wastewater drainage process from campus to the ocean via streams, storm and sewer drains.

Hour of Code

To introduce our students to computer science, Holomua students participated in the Hour of Code, the largest learning campaign in history. In one hour, students learned that computer science is fun, easy, and accessible at all ages.  During the week of December 6th - 13th, students wrote lines of code in Minecraft, Star Wars, and Angry Birds at code.org

Launched in 2013, Code.org is a non-profit dedicated to expanding 
access to computer science, and increasing participation by women and underrepresented students of color. Their vision is that every student in
every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science.

Computing is a fundamental part of daily life, commerce, and just about every occupation in our modern economy. It is essential that students are exposed to the field of computer science in school—as it is foundational in transforming the way a student thinks about the world. It not only teaches them about technology, it also teaches them how to think differently about any problem.

Please visit code.org for more information.  Code.org provides many courses at every level — elementary, middle school and high school — free of charge.