Thursday, March 15, 2018

Deployment Group


 Is your parent on or will be on military deployment? 

Our school would like to extend our gratitude and best wishes to you and your family while your loved one is on military deployment. We would like to assist your family during this time and one way is to provide a safe group environment for your child to express any concerns or feelings they may experience. 

Our Primary School Adjustment Program (PSAP), will be starting their Deployment Group soon. 

What is deployment? Deployment is the movement of an individual or entire military unit to an overseas (international) location to accomplish a task or mission. The mission may be as routine as providing training or as dangerous as a war. 

Are you in the military?
Are you the primary care giver of this child?
                                          Is your duration of deployment at least 3 months?
      If the answer is YES to ALL of these questions, deployment group may be
        able to help your child adjust and cope during this trying time. 

Our deployment groups will meet once a week for thirty minutes where students can network, have fun activities and meet other students who are also adjusting during this transition.